Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto

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Conservative talk radio's fastest-growing superstar is also a New York Times bestselling phenomenon: the author of the groundbreaking critique of the Supreme Court, Men in Black, and the deeply personal dog lover's memoir Rescuing Sprite, Mark R. Levin now delivers the book that characterizes both his devotion to his more than 5 million listeners and his love of our country and the legacy of our Founding Fathers: Liberty and Tyranny is Mark R. Levin's clarion call to conservative America, a new manifesto for the conservative movement for the 21st century.

In the face of the modern liberal assault on Constitution-based values, an attack that has steadily snowballed since President Roosevelt's New Deal of the 1930s and resulted in a federal government that is a massive, unaccountable conglomerate, the time for re-enforcing the intellectual and practical case for conservatism is now. Conservative beliefs in individual freedoms do in the end stand for liberty for all Americans, while liberal dictates lead to the breakdown of civilized society -- in short, tyranny. Looking back to look to the future, Levin writes "conservatism is the antidote to tyranny precisely because its principles are our founding principles." And in a series of powerful essays, Levin lays out how conservatives can counter the liberal corrosion that has filtered into every timely issue affecting our daily lives, from the economy to health care, global warming, immigration, and more -- and illustrates how change, as seen through the conservative lens, is always prudent, and always an enhancement to individual freedom.

As provocative, well-reasoned, robust, and informed as his on-air commentary, Levin's narrative will galvanize readers to begin a new era in conservative thinking and action. Liberty and Tyranny provides a philosophical, historical, and practical framework for revitalizing the conservative vision and ensuring the preservation of American society.

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Customer Buzz
 "Required Reading" 2009-07-06
By Scott A. Neher (Arizona)
This work should be required reading in all Public Schools. Mark does an outstanding job explaining the rights of each American and how we are losing those rights to a government no longer of the people. A must read for any American who loves his country and freedom.

Customer Buzz
 "Simply Invaluable" 2009-07-06
By H. Katz (Highland Park, NJ)
This is a book to hand down from generation to generation. The title is accurate. We are engaged in the battle of good versus evil, liberty versus tyranny, the "statist" versus the individual. This is a battle that has ensued throughout the history of man. The Founders set up a system to preserve our liberty and limit the statists ability to control the individual. The founder's system has been breached. We must understand the enemy of the individual. We must understand the principals that preserve individual liberty and keep statists in check. Read this book. Know your enemy. Know your Heroes. Know what this great country stands for. Know Liberty. Know Tyranny. Learn the vocabulary. It's in this book. Read It.

Customer Buzz
 "Like It" 2009-07-05
By Stacy Brown (New York, NY)
I liked "Men in Black" a little more, but you can't lose with this one. Maybe I should go away from typical biographies and be more like this author. I co-authored, Michael Jackson: The Man Behind The Mask.

Customer Buzz
 "A Decent Book by a Confused Hypocrite" 2009-07-05
By Ross E. Nelson (Casselton, North Dakota United States)
If you take Mark Levin's latest book as a primer on what conservatives should think on various topics, then this one deserves four stars. He has powerful quotes from various historical figures and useful arguments against many of today's liberal (or Statist, as he calls it) positions. Big government spending, eco-crackpotism, immigration and other topics receive a properly jaundiced examination.

If you're looking for a philosophical overview of conservatism and what it's all about, however, you're well-advised to stick to Russell Kirk or biographies of conservatism and the Old Right by authors such as Joseph Scotchie or Justin Raimondo. In this case, "Liberty and Tyranny" merits two, at best three, stars.

Going to fundamentals is not mere egg-headery. I believe a major reason why the mainstream conservative movement has lost its mind as it applauds the trampling of the Constitution is because its members won't bother themselves to delve any deeper into it. If all they inform themselves with is "conservative" radio talk show hosts, it's no wonder they're as deluded and fickle as their liberal counterparts.

Some of Levin's instincts are spot on. But those instincts are hopelessly undercut by his love of war and the military. Time was when conservatives were extremely wary of foreign adventures, powerful presidents (they saw the Congress as the bulwark of liberty), and mindless military worship. Levin and his followers, in love with gratuitous war, with only modest grumbling followed President Bush down the Big Government path of deficit spending, attempts to open our borders to all the world, huge entitlement and education program increases, unconstitutional infringements on our rights (anyone remember the Fourth Amendment?) and other unconservative actions. Why? Because they felt that in order to stop uneducated men 10,000 miles away armed with rifles designed 60 years ago we had to overthrow 800 years of Western Civilization to defend ourselves. All of conservatism was sacrificed to this new god.

You read it here first: We will never have a right-sized government with constitutionally constrained powers as long as we think we're justified in making unnecessary wars and interventions across the globe. Never. Washington and J. Quincy Adams were right.

In Chapter 10 of his book Levin argues for spreading democracy across the world, if it's in our self-interest. Where does the Constitution say that we may make war for any reason other than self-defense? By Levin's hopelessly loose reasoning we could justify any war against any country if it makes it more "democratic." (Never mind that democracies have a long history of going to war against each other.) The pure hypocrisy of the modern conservative shows in his negative reaction to the Kosovo war, an internal matter that had nothing to do with America or its interests but was entered into by a Democrat president, and his mindless bootlicking when Bush led us into war against Iraq, which had never threatened us.

Levin spews foam on his radio mike whenever anyone suggests America has done something to apologize for. How about conservatives feeling some remorse for the 100,000 or so Iraqis killed in our grand little war there, or the several million displaced citizens? If they can weep over Sprite, they should feel sorrow for what we've done to a sovereign nation that had nothing to do with 9/11. Levin doesn't condemn wars of choice (even though he can't show them to be smart, pragmatic, or constitutional) because America has fought such wars before. Indeed we have. Our previous crimes against natural law, then, apparently justify our current optional wars. It's something like robbing banks: rob enough of them over time, and the next one you rob is perfectly justified. Relatedly Levin looks at what happened to Jose Padilla, an American citizen, and says hey, where are the widespread abuses anyway? Smart man. As long as government hasn't so far massively applied the destruction of our natural and constitutional rights to a bunch of us, only just a few, why not have laws on the books that allow it to do just that whenever it pleases? Now, why any sane person, let alone a conservative who's supposed to be against overweening government, would condone tyrannical laws just because they haven't been widely applied yet, is beyond me.

Our author in question has a hilarious view of waterboarding. It isn't really torture. Oh sure, we hung a few Japanese officers for doing that to Americans, and it was a favored method in the Inquisition, and sure, we prosecuted some American soldiers in the Spanish-American war for waterboarding prisoners, but when we do it now it isn't torture. Talk about Godlike--everything we do is right because it's us doing it.

Even Levin's history is shaky. He calls the Civil War a war against tyranny. How so? The South merely wished to secede from the North, not take it over. The right of secession was a widely accepted notion before the War. In fact, it was often observed to be a final bulwark against tyranny. After all, the colonies seceded from England. And lest we forget, the Constitution quite clearly condoned slavery until we passed three amendments against it. But anyone who thinks we should attack most of the Arab nations in the Mideast whether they pose a threat to us or not, and who justifies the treasure, blood, and forfeited rights stemming from our Iraq war, has no idea of what tyranny and war are about. Or conservatism.

Even though too young to vote, I knew in 1972 that Nixon and McGovern hadn't a shred of conservatism in them. In a tiny way I helped a minor third party spread its literature. I knew conservatism and conservatives, and Levin is no conservative. Nor are the unreflective, unprincipled masses who condemn in a Democrat what they praise in a Republican. We could have had a proper Tea Party when Bush was president, but asking for principled consistency amongst today's conservatives is like trying to get milk from a bull.

Levin's book is a worthy laundry list of objections to some current liberal sacred cows. Unfortunately, at bottom it too is just another version of the warfare/welfare state.

Customer Buzz
 "the great one strikes again" 2009-07-04
By R. Silecchio (usa)
i was first introduced to mr. levin when men in black was published.he explains in that book how the supreme court,through some of there rulings,have changed our he strikes again.with the gift of foresight, how the liberals,from the new deal,to the state of our country now,is a huge power grab by the democrats.complete control.socialism,marxism,whatever term you want to use,the non-representatives,that represent know one but there own intrests.what's amazing is this book was written before the 2008 elections.he connected the dots before it all really started.explaining the conservative philosophy and how far we have come from the founders vision of what liberty and freedom really is.i can't explain just how turned around this once great nation is need to understand where we came from in principle to where we are headed.the conservative manifesto,lays it out.i purchase one,who my doctor now has.another to my supervisor,a lifelong democrat,who couldn't put it down.another to a stranger who seemed to just want to know what's really going on.and the last one now i purchased for myself.if i can manage to keep it long enough,before another liberal needs to wake up.thank you,mr. levin for another history lesson,and a path that conservatives,have to keep on.i didn't think you could top men in black,but i was wrong.keep up the good fight,and the history lessons some people never got.GOD BLESS AMERICA.happy independence day to all.

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